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Trips to The Vet, Etc.

Trips to The Vet, Etc.
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Here's what you need to know about vet visits...

Vet Trips are a very important to your animals health. Your vet may notice something about your animal that you never may have caught on your own.
Vaccines should also be kept current. The rabies vaccine is an absolute must. The way it works is... The first rabies vaccine can be given anytime after the animal turns 16 weeks old. The first vaccine is good for a year, the next and all of the following are good for 3 years.
FRC is given to cats. This covers panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, and calicivirus. You can opt to have a feline leukemia shot also, but that is strictly optional.
DHLPPV is given to dogs. This covers distemper, hepatitus, parainfluenza, lepto, and parvovirus. Bordetella is also given to dogs. This is also know as the kennel cough shot. At the clinic i work at, we only reccomend giving the vaccine if you are planning to get your dog groomed at a groomer or leave them at a kennel, etc.

Spaying and Neutering...
Most vets recommend that you spay (ovariohysterectomy) and neuter (castration)  your animal. These procedures are very low risk for any healthy animal. If you are concerned, you can request pre-anestetic blood work to check their kidney and liver functions. (They are the organs that filter the anestetic out of their system after). These surgerys can really increase the life of your animal. It also prevents them from developing problems such as pyometra. This problem is literally a pus-filled, infected uterous that without treatment causes death from the toxins in the system. Want to know the simple prevention technique that works every time? Spaying...

Well if I were you, I would drop off a fecal sample at my vets office and have them test it for worms. And in the event that the animal does have worms, you have 2 options.
1) Drontal wormer: This wormer comes in pill form, and though it is somewhat expensive, it does work.
2) Advantage Multi: This comes in topical form and is also very pricey. This also takes care of fleas, ear mites, and intestinal parisites.

ADVANTAGE... I wouldn't use any other flea control on my pets. You can purchase this at a vets office. It is topical and applied at the base of the neck between the shoulders.

Other Vet questions?
Feel Free to ask me!